Notosacantha badia (Boheman, 1850)

Hoplionota badia Boheman, 1850: 35 (LT! in NRS!, PLT! in NRS!, ZMHU!), 1856: 6, 1862: 14; Gemminger and Harold, 1876: 3619; Wagener, 1881: 23; Spaeth, 1913 c: 461, 1914 g: 8, 1931 b: 110.

Notosacantha badia: Shaw, 1956 a: 258; Borowiec, 1999 d: 8; Rice, 2003: 81.

Host plant: Celestraceae: Maytenus mossambicensis (Rice, 2003).

Distr.: South Africa: Caput bonae Spei. South Africa: Cape Prov., Natal, Zululand.

figure: habitus in colour

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