Dorynota (Akantaka) godmani (Baly, 1864)

Batonota Godmanii Baly, 1864: 242 (TE in BMNH); Gemminger and Harold, 1876: 3644; Champion, 1893: 163; Spaeth, 1914 g: 66.

Akantaka godmani: Maulik, 1916: 583; Spaeth, 1923: 71; Blackwelder, 1946: 747; Monros and Viana, 1949: 416; Windsor et al., 1992: 389.

Dorynota (Akantaka) godmani: Wilcox, 1975: 155; Borowiec, 1999 d: 164.

Host plant: Bignoniaceae: Tabebuia rosea (Windsor et al., 1992).

Distr.: Panama. Panama: Lion Hill.

figure: habitus in colour

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